One film features a freelance protagonist who lives alone after his elderly father is hospitalized and his mother passes away. As the protagonist is cuddled by the nurse in charge, he falls in love with her and stalks her. However, she already has a lover, and the protagonist changes from love to hatred and continues to rape her. Although this is Haru's first drama work, her performance was highly acclaimed for being comfortable and easy to relate to. Some viewers also seemed to be conflicted by the overlap with Haru's own character. There are also some features and expectations as a series inherent in the work, and there is a lot of anticipation regarding this aspect of the work. However, there are wide differences in the evaluation of the production and the work, and some opinions have been pointed out regarding the responsibility of the directors. Haru's first attempt at drama was praised as a great performance, and there are high expectations for her future activities and new works.