"Resolving Yuuri's Worries" is a film starring Fukada Yuuri, depicting the story of a newlywed, Yuuri, living in a town. Despite leading a financially comfortable life, Yuuri struggles with fertility issues. In the midst of this, the town chairman, Kitagawa, proposes a plan to help Yuuri solve her problems. Fukada Yuuri, who plays Yuuri, is known for her beauty and delicate appearance, but also for her remarkable sensuality and sensitivity. The rest of the cast also performs admirably, with the final developments being particularly noteworthy. The character of Yuuri herself is characterized by a silly way of speaking and a carefree nature, attracting male desires. Overall, this film is very entertaining. In particular, the scene where Yuuri receives attacks from four men is overwhelmingly erotic, earning a 5-star satisfaction rating. Even if you are not a fan of Fukada Yuuri, we highly recommend giving this film a watch."