This live-action adaptation of a masterpiece title by the popular doujin circle "Seisuinan," which has sold over 50,000 copies in total, tells the story of an advanced sex expert who encounters dominatrixes and becomes captivated by their charms. There are pros and cons to the insertion of pictures from the original work, and some say that the actors' images differ slightly from those in the manga. However, the actresses are highly praised for their style and their ability to recreate the characters, and the interplay between Rika and Ichika is said to be particularly satisfying to the point of exiting. Some viewers, even those who are not fans of the original work, find the pictures of the original work inserted on the screen disturbing, but overall, the maniacal concept of the storyline is appealing. Some viewers say that the work depicts a dreamlike world for men, and that they are excited by Rika Tsubaki's charming performance. However, one viewer cautions that some reviews contain descriptions of spoilers.
This live-action adaptation of a masterpiece title by the popular doujin circle "Seisuinan," which has sold over 50,000 copies in total, tells the story of an advanced sex expert who encounters dominatrixes and becomes captivated by their charms. There are pros and cons to the insertion of pictures from the original work, and some say that the actors' images differ slightly from those in the manga. However, the actresses are highly praised for their style and their ability to recreate the characters, and the interplay between Rika and Ichika is said to be particularly satisfying to the point of exiting. Some viewers, even those who are not fans of the original work, find the pictures of the original work inserted on the screen disturbing, but overall, the maniacal concept of the storyline is appealing. Some viewers say that the work depicts a dreamlike world for men, and that they are excited by Rika Tsubaki's charming performance. However, one viewer cautions that some reviews contain descriptions of spoilers.