This work closely follows the private life of Ishikawa Mio, and while the setting is a bright and naughty surprise that makes one's heart race, her perplexed expression and sudden entrapment are incredibly cute. However, it raises questions about whether the production that worked a decade ago is still effective under the new AV laws today. Is the surprise element now somewhat outdated? Additionally, there's a lack of immediate immersion, and simply going through ordinary sex scenes leaves something to be desired. The repetitive interactions with the adorable Ishikawa Mio can feel a bit deflating. Moreover, the combination with Sadamatsu does not evoke excitement, and I wish they would wear masks to bring in a fresh element. While her cuteness is at the highest level, my honest opinion is that I hope the concept itself can bring in a new breeze. This work makes me want to expect a new series from Ishikawa Mio.